Florian W. Leskovsek or for the sake of simplicity Leskov, also known by the name Leskodamus on the web, is a year old Software Developer from Vorarlberg, Austria. After graduating as a Network Engineer at the HTL Dornbirn in Vorarlberg with a grade of 1.2 (Austrian grading system), Leskov has just recently finished another big chapter: the written matriculation and diploma examination with a grade of 1.28!

Now I am working full-time as a Software Developer at Angelbird Technologies.

Diploma Thesis

We were a group of four people developing a streaming deck called “Smart Stream”, that is, a touch display connected to a Raspberry Pi which lets you execute various tasks on your computer like scripts or sending keystrokes with the simple push of a button. Support for OBS was also implemented using the OBS-Websocket-API. The entire user-space is build in PHP, opening the possibility to run the “Smart Stream” on almost any device with a browser. The necessary management tool, written in Python using PyQt for the GUI, enables the connection with the “Smart Stream” device. Supported platforms are Windows 10/11 and Linux. It must be said that there are absolutely no security features implemented, e.g. encrypted sockets. There was simply not enough time to do proper hardening.

Technical School Thesis

To graduate at the HTL Dornbirn my teammates and I created an automated greenhouse in which you were able to grow small plants. Through a webpage the user could create a template where they specified how often the plant should be watered and how long the LED lights are turned on. Sensors were used to measure the soil moisture, the air temperature and humidity. The codebase to this project has been archived and is no longer publicly available. Why? Because the code is terrible!

More text

I enjoy creating things and programming has so far been the best way for me to do exactly that. Simply write a bit of code, apply some logic, compile and execute it, then you watch it do the magic. Whether it is just printing some lorem ipsum on the terminal or generating a mandelbrot set, it is awesome! So far I absolutely enjoy coding in C/C++ but also Rust. However, don’t even start bothering me with web development…

In addition to programming there is my huge enthusiasm for the Linux operating system. I’ve been using (Arch) Linux as my daily driver for more than 5 years now and I love it! Never do I want to go back to Windows ever again. Even gaming on Linux nowadays is for the most part butterly smooth - sometimes them games run even with better performance than on Windows.